Miss Tourism World Canada

Miss Tourism World Canada 2023 Ambassadors!

Miss Tourism World Canada Organization invites delegates from across Canada to showcase their talents, their ethinc heritage and most importantly promote their Province as a top tourist destination for visitors! The National winner will promote Canada as one of the most desirable tourist destinations to visit, promoting Canada's economic growth and development!

Selected delegates are required to create a 90 second introduction video about themsleves and choose 3 hidden Tourism Gems in their province.  The top 5 Provincial &  Territory winners will be invited to join the Miss Tourism World Canada national finals in Toronto to compete for the title of Miss Tourism World Canada!

We would like to congratulate TYRA ROSNUK, Miss Tourism World Canada 2023. Tyra resides in Richmond Hill, Ontario and will represent Canada at the 32nd Miss Tourism World International Finals! We wish her great success!


Cultural Costumes 2023
